All competitions cost £10 to enter and all details can be found below. Login / Register to see tables and updates for each competition you have entered.

Payments can be made via PayPal to or on the link below – Please make sure that you select the “Paying Friends or Family” option so that a percentage isn’t taken as a fee. Let me know when you’ve made the payment either by WhatsApp or emailing me to the address above.


You can change your selection in each competition online as many times as you want before the deadline for that round is reached. After the deadline you may email / whatsapp me to request a change to your selection but this will only be considered in special circumstances (e.g. a fixture postponement and someone needing to change their Eliminator choice).

  • Pick a different team from the top 4 English divisions each week
  • If your chosen team wins, you go through to the next round. Draw or lose and you’re eliminated.
  • It doesn’t matter how many people pick your team for that week, but once you’ve chosen your team you can’t pick them again. (e.g. If you choose Tottenham and they win, you can’t pick them for the remainder of that Eliminator session)
  • Last person left… wins the pot! (If we’re in a situation where all the remaining choices draw or lose then the pot is split between everyone left in that last round of picks.)
  • This will only run on weekends and midweeks with full league fixtures. If there are postponements, you will need to pick another team from the other fixtures for that weekend – if there are limited options remaining then we can allow a pass and pick 2 teams for the following round of fixtures. (Please bear with me with stuff like this! Not ideal circumstances so hopefully it’s never a problem!)

  • Pick 2 players from the Premier League each week.
  • However many goals they score between them will decide how many points you get.
  • If your partnership scores 3 goals, you’ll score 6 points (1 point for the first goal, +2 for the second, +3 for the third), and a fourth goal would score you 10 points…)
  • You can only use the same partnership (eg Kane and Salah) once during the season.
  • The same player cannot be selected two rounds running.
  • Other than that, you can select a player as many times as you like.
  • Unlike with the Eliminator, this will run for the entire season – nobody is eliminated.
  • This will only run on weekends and midweeks with full league fixtures. If there are postponements, you will need to pick other player(s) from the other fixtures for that weekend. (Please bear with me with stuff like this! Not ideal circumstances but can’t be helped…)

  • Predict the scores for the Premier League fixtures week-by-week
  • Correct Score: 3 points. Correct Result: 1 point.
  • Any places that are tied on points will be decided by ‘Goal Difference’…
  • Goal Difference will be the total number of goals you predicted for the fixtures v the actual number of goals in those fixtures. (e.g. If the goals in your predictions add up to 25 goals and there are actually 30 goals, your GD is -5. This would be the same goal difference if there are actually 20 goals… the best Goal Difference you can get is 0… if you have this at the end of the season – buy a lottery ticket!)